
[luhk] /lʌk/
the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities:
With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance:
He had no luck finding work.
a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person:
She's had nothing but bad luck all year.
some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend:
This rabbit's foot is my luck.
Verb phrases, Informal.
luck into/onto, to meet, acquire, become, etc., by good luck:
She lucked into a great job.
luck out, to have an instance or run of exceptionally good luck:
He lucked out when he made a hole in one during the tournament.
luck upon, to come across by chance:
to luck upon a profitable investment.
down on one's luck, in unfortunate circumstances; unlucky:
She hated to see her old friend so down on her luck.
in luck, lucky; fortunate:
We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.
luck of the draw, the luck one has in or as if in drawing cards.
out of luck, unlucky; unfortunate:
When it comes to getting World Series tickets, we're usually out of luck.
push one's luck, Informal. to try to make too much of an opportunity; go too far.
Also, crowd one's luck.
1400-50; late Middle English luk < Middle Dutch luc, aphetic form of gelucke; cognate with G. Glück
British Dictionary definitions for down on one's luck


events that are beyond control and seem subject to chance; fortune
success or good fortune
something considered to bring good luck
down on one's luck, having little or no good luck to the point of suffering hardships
(informal) no such luck, unfortunately not
try one's luck, to attempt something that is uncertain
See also luck out
Word Origin
C15: from Middle Dutch luc; related to Middle High German gelücke, late Old Norse lukka, lykka
Word Origin and History for down on one's luck



late 15c. from early Middle Dutch luc, shortening of gheluc "happiness, good fortune," of unknown origin. It has cognates in Dutch geluk, Middle High German g(e)lücke, German Glück "fortune, good luck." Perhaps first borrowed in English as a gambling term. To be down on (one's) luck is from 1832; to be in luck is from 1900; to push (one's) luck is from 1911. Good luck as a salutation to one setting off to do something is from 1805. Expression better luck next time attested from 1802.

A gentleman was lately walking through St Giles's, where a levelling citizen attempting to pick his pocket of a handkerchief, which the gentleman caught in time, and secured, observing to the fellow, that he had missed his aim, the latter, with perfect sang-froid, answered, "better luck next time master." ["Monthly Mirror," London, 1802]


by 1945, from luck (n.). To luck out "succeed through luck" is American English colloquial, attested by 1946; to luck into (something good) is from 1944. However, lukken was a verb in Middle English (mid-15c.) meaning "to happen, chance;" also, "happen fortunately."

Slang definitions & phrases for down on one's luck



A wish that one have good luck: ''Luck,'' I said. ''You too,'' Conway said (1980s+)

Related Terms

break luck, in luck, out of luck, pot luck, shit out of luck

Idioms and Phrases with down on one's luck

down on one's luck

Afflicted by misfortune, as in They've been down on their luck ever since they moved out West. [ ; second half of 1800s ]
Encyclopedia Article for down on one's luck


city, northwestern Ukraine, on a defensive site at a bend in the Styr River. It was a tribal settlement, perhaps of the Luchanians, as early as the 10th century. The first known record of the settlement dates to 1185. Lutsk later became a part of the principality of Galicia-Volhynia and until the late 18th century was in Lithuania-Poland, when it fell into Russian hands. It belonged to Poland again in 1919-39. The older part of the city contains the 14th-century castle of the Lithuanian prince Liubartas and much old architecture. Three monasteries date from the 16th to the 18th century. An automobile plant was constructed in the city in the late 1970s to build the Volynyanka, a multipurpose vehicle for rural use. Other economic activities in Lutsk have included the production of scientific instruments and food. A teacher-training institute and a medical school are located there. Pop. (2001) 208,816; (2005 est.) 202,915.

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